Beyond Abuse is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization primarily serving Abbeville, Greenwood and Laurens counties in South Carolina. Its children’s advocacy program also serves Newberry County.
Silent Tears awarded the organization $10,000 for installation of siding and repair of sheet rock and flooring due to water infiltration issues. After months of investigation, it was determined that Beyond Abuse’s brick/mortar were porous and allowed water to enter the building which resulted in mold and mildew. The only resolution was to install siding to the exterior of the building and then repair damage caused by water on the inside.
Silent Tears also awarded the organization $5,000 to replace a 12-year-old, malfunctioning air conditioning unit.
On October 30, 2019, Silent Tears awarded an additional $63,000 for the organization’s needs during a third round of grants.
For more information, visit BEYONDABUSE.INFO.